Well...nothing has loaded in order on the blog so it is all backwards. Here is Eric with all of the cedar siding that Ken helped unload. It will soon be on the walls.

Ken unloaded all the wood siding that Eric would soon be putting on the interior walls of the main room.

Here is Cindy in action with all the window parts that she helped to stain and varnish.

We were blessed this day with much help!! Larry and Cindy came all day to help. Larry worked on several electrical projects and Cindy stained and varnished window parts.

Ken came and helped stain and varnish too! We are truly blessed with wonderful family, friends and church family!

A view of the staircase going downstairs. Eric made all of the wood treads for the steps. A huge improvement to the rubbber ones that used to be there. The hardwood landing looks great too.

The South entrance. Eric laid slate ceramic tile. He also cut all the pieces for the railing and stair parts, stained and varnished and installed everything for the stairway. The walls are log siding.

Another view of the South entrance that leads to the main room upstairs and to the basement.

The interior of the South entrance.

another view of the deck of the South entrance.

The main room is all cleaned out and ready to be painted.

Our good friend Cindy donated this Uppercase Living wall expression.

The newly added deck off the South entrance. Still under construction.

The main room ready to be painted.